The 2018 Superbowl brought in over 100 million viewers, but talk turned to one thing – the Halftime Show. While Prince owning the stage and Janet Jackson’s famous wardrobe malfunction …
The second Semi-Final of the Icelandic National Selection has just taken place, which means that the last finalists of Söngvakeppnin 2018 have been decided. Six acts competed at today’s show, but …
The second Semi-Final of the Icelandic National Selection Söngvakeppnin airs tonight. Six more acts will take to the stage tonight in hope of securing their place in the Final of the …
The Running Order for the Moldovan National Selection Show, O Melodie Pentru Europa, has been released. Today the 16 acts hoping to represent Moldova in the Eurovision Song Contest found …
Three acts have advanced to the Final of Söngvakeppnin 2018 on March 3rd! The viewers have spoken and the first three acts of the Final of Söngvakeppnin have been decided by …
The first Semi-Final of Iceland’s National Selection Show, Söngvakeppnin, will take place tonight. Six Icelandic Eurovision hopefuls will kick off their Eurovision journey tonight in the first Semi-Final of Söngvakeppnin …
Serbia has officially revealed the songs of the 17 artists that will compete in this year’s selection process that will be broadcast on February 20th. The Serbian National Broadcaster, RTS, …