Three acts have advanced to the Final of Söngvakeppnin 2018 on March 3rd!
The viewers have spoken and the first three acts of the Final of Söngvakeppnin have been decided by solely televote:
- Ari Ólafsson – Heim/Our choice
- Fókus hópurinn – Aldrei gefast upp/Battleline
Þórunn Antonía – Ég mun skína/ShineGuðmundur Þórarinsson – Litir / ColoursTómas Helgi Wehmeier & Sólborg Guðbrandsdóttir – Ég og þú/Think it through- Heimilistónar – Kúst og fæjó
These acts will join the winners of the next week’s Second Semi-Final in the Final of Söngvakeppin, which will take place on March 3rd. The winner will compete in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, more specifically the First Half of the First Semi-Final.