Today, it looks like OGAE Armenia has reported before an official confirmation by ARMTV or that a group made up by Tamar Kaprelian, Inga Arshakyan (ESC 2009), Athena Manoukian, Essaï and Vahe Tilbian will follow Aram MP3’s footsteps in order to fly the Armenian flag in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna.
As this is still kept as a rumour, at 18.00 CET this piece of news should officially be revealed by the Armenian broadcaster on a press-conference and more details will be given on Moreover, one of the members, American-Armenian singer Tamar Kaprelian shared earlier today that exciting news about her would be coming throughout the day. (Ambien)
Who will be finally representing Armenia? Is it only Tamar? Is it a quintet by this five singers? Will they get to enter the top 5 again after Aram MP3’s placing fourth?
Stay tuned to ESC+Plus fore more news about the Armenian entry at this year’s contest!
RT @esc_plus: Who is representing #Armenia in Vienna?; Official confirmation at 18.00 CET! #eurovision #esc2015 #evr…
RT @esc_plus: Who is representing #Armenia in Vienna?; Official confirmation at 18.00 CET! #eurovision #esc2015 #evr…
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anyone would do, but i really want to see Sofi Mkheyan to Vienna, she has a great voice for singing 🙂
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