Interview Eurovision Eurovision 2017 Lithuania

Gytis Ivanauskas (Lolita Zero): “My song is a catchy tune with a great show and a message of love and freedom” (Lithuanian candidate – Interview)

ESC+Plus has talked to Gytis Ivanauskas, candidate of this year’s Lithuania national selection for Eurovision under Lolita Zero. The actor will perform “Get Frighten” in the Heat 5 of Eurovizija 2017 set to take place on February 4th.

ESC+Plus: Hello! First of all, thank you so much for your time and congratulations on having been selected to take part in the Lithuanian national selection for Eurovision 2017!

Can you tell us about you, your musical career and important achievements?

Gytis Ivanauskas: I’m quite new to the European and Lithuanian music scene. But I came and rose like no one you’ve ever seen. Even though my face and voice is not yet recognizable, I will make an impact in Lithuania, Europe and the world. I objectively understand that my career is still at a launch phase, but I believe that we, as humans, are defined not only by the things we achieve, but also our dreams and goals. And I dream big.

ESC+Plus: What impelled you to take part in “Eurovizija 2017” as Lolita Zero?

Gytis Ivanauskas: Eurovision needs a new ambassador, a new star to represent its core values. Lolita ZERO is the best at this task.

ESC+Plus: How did you feel when you knew you had qualified for the next phase of the selection? Did you expect it?

Gytis Ivanauskas: Sure, I am happy, but it does not come to me as a surprise. If you’ve seen my show, you know the national selection is not the last stop on my way to the top.

ESC+Plus: What would it mean to you to represent Lithuania?

Gytis Ivanauskas: I would love to represent my country – I adore it. But I also think this is a great opportunity for Lithuania to advertise me.

ESC+Plus: Can you tell us about your song? What is the story behind the lyrics?

Gytis Ivanauskas: Don’t be fooled by the quite common theme – love. The song is much more than that. It’s a high energy song, born in my heart in a dream. It’s very personal, but at the same time it’s something that I want to share with the world. It’s like symphony of all of my broken heart stories. And nothing there is obvious.

ESC+Plus: Why do you think your song has to be selected for Kiev? What are you strengths to reach the top in the competition?

Gytis Ivanauskas: It’s a catchy tune, also a great show. And of course the message of love and freedom!

ESC+Plus: Will you change anything from your stage performance for the next show?

Gytis Ivanauskas: I think the performance is perfect as it is. We’ve been working on it for almost a year. At the moment I don’t think I will be changing anything. But time will tell – let’s win the national selection and we’ll talk =).

ESC+Plus: Do you usually watch Eurovision? What is your favorite song in the history of the competition?

Gytis Ivanauskas: I never miss Eurovision. My favorite song is the one from 1958 – Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu” by Domenico Modugno. It did not win that year, but it made the music history. It’s actually my morning shower song!

ESC+Plus: If you could choose a Eurovision former participant to sing along with, who would it be?

Gytis Ivanauskas: If I could travel through time, I would love to perform “Waterloo” live on stage with ABBA.

ESC+Plus: Finally, can you send a message for our readers and Eurovision fans?

Gytis Ivanauskas: Do it for the people who want to see you fail! In the end haters are the ones who make us famous. I receive a lot of criticism in Lithuania that my act is a fake and it’s now sincere. Well I can tell you one thing – I don’t hate my haters. They are the ones who think I’m better than them. Do it no matter what and never look back!

“You have to win, you have to fight, just don’t give up, get up and run! With all your strength, with all your might, the winner takes it all, you know!” – Lolita

Fuente: Image - 15min

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