Eurovision Eurovision 2015 Poland

Poland: TVP confirms Eurovision participation and reveals selection procedure

Polish national broadcaster (TVP) announced today a decision concerning the next Eurovision Song Contest to take place in Vienna. This is the official announcement they have made on the official website of the broadcaster:

“Polish broadcaster took a final decision concerning our participation in the Eurovision  Song Contest 2015 in Vienna. As we did the last year, Polish representative and a song will be chosen internally by experts and later announced to public before the end of March 2015”.

Polish viewers will have the opportunity to watch both semi-finals (19th and 21th of May) and the grand final (23th of May) on chanels TVP1, TVP HD and TVP HD.

Poland is the 36th country confirming participation for Eurovision 2015.

In 2014 Poland returned to Eurovision after a 2-year absence. Poland was represented by the duo Donatan & Cleo with the song “My Slowianie-We Are Slavic”, the achieved a 14th place in the grand final.

Fuente: TVP
Eurovision, Events, National Final

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