Events Malta

Junior Eurovision: Steering Group meeting in Malta

Yesterday the Junior Eurovision Song Contest Steering Group met in at PBS’s building in Malta to discuss the 2014 edition.

The host broadcaster presented their vision for the 2014 competition, including concepts for the stage, arena, and postcards. We will bring you more details about these show elements in the coming days and weeks! Also discussed were several projects to integrate the Junior Eurovision competition with the wider Maltese public, not just those who have tickets to the shows.

The Steering Group’s challenge to Maltese television was to make the show more mature, raising the target age of the television show to between 13 and 15 years. After the presentations, the Steering Group were left, literally, speechless as the vision for 2014. “PBS are well ahead of time, and the whole idea of the show is exactly what we wanted” said Tine Matulessy, the Steering Group member from SVT in Sweden.

The base of the show is something for the teenagers of Europe to look forward to”, added Anja Zegwaard, of AVROTROS in The Netherlands. “November can’t come quick enough!” Executive Supervisor Vladislav Yakovlev summarised the feelings of all who attended the meetings by saying “I think that everyone was highly impressed with PBS’ plans for Junior Eurovision 2014. They’re ambitious, modern, and both the delegations and viewers are in for something very special here in November”.

Full photo gallery can be found here.

Fuente: Junior Eurovision
Events, Junior Eurovision

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