Interview Eurovision Eurovision 2015 Finland

Angelo De Nile: “This song came out fairly easy, we simply had an idea of a BIG song and added together all the elements required” (Finnish participant – Interview)

ESC+Plus has talked to Angelo De Nile, participant of the Finnish selection for Eurovision 2015 “UMK”. Angelo will sing “All for victory” in the third semifinal to take place tonight.

ESC+Plus: Hello! First of all, congratulations on having been selected to compete at the Finish selection for Eurovision 2015.

Thank you!

E+: Can you tell us about you, your musical evolution and important achievements?

“All For Victory ” is the first song taken from a larger musical extravaganza we’ve been working on a year and a half now. A trip through time and place.This is our very first attempt in the music business for we’ ve been busy with other engagements before as you can witness by checking our video.

E+: Why did you decide to take part in UMK 2015?

We felt the time was right to “come out” and that UMK provides a great forum and publicity for our enterprize.

E+: What it would mean for you to represent Finland in Vienna?

To be able to represent this great country on ESC would be a great honour and without a doubt one of greatest achievements in our lives so far and let me tell you,we’ve been through a lot!

E+: Your song is called “All for Victory”. Can you tell us about the song and the story behind the lyrics?

It seems that the need to win and competing each other is a crucial part of human history and present. Whether its warfare, science, sports…

The song is simply raising a thought; if you want to win are you ready to do whatever it takes and most of all, are you ready to pay the prize?


E+: How was the composition procedure of the song?

This song came out fairly easy, we simply had an idea of a BIG song and added together all the elements we felt it required and voila’!

E+: How are you preparing your UMK performance? Can you reveal us anything about it?

The show is gonna be huge!!! We can’t give away any details yet but I assure you it is worth seeing and fits perfectly for the song.

E+: What are your main strengths so as to get the people support to reach Eurovision?

We are counting on our song and presentation 100%!It is up to people to decide whether this whole event is about music and a great show or something else.

E+: Do you usually watch Eurovision? What is your favorite song in the history of the competition?

Let’s just say that we are very aware what ESC is all about.It’s about big songs and big feelings. This is our humble opinion. Abba ‘s “Waterloo” is that one song for us. Brings back some great memories…

E+: Do you have any favourite song among the other UMK participants?

Love the vocals on Opera Skaala’s song…

E+: Besides Eurovision, what are your goals for this year?

We will reveal more music from Angelo this year. The Story has to be told. First we have to wait and see how we did in this competition.

E+: Finally, would you like to send a message for our readers?

Thank you for this opportunity and keep following our steps as the road goes on. Any support is much appreciated whatever happens in the future!

You can follow Angelo De Nile on his Official Facebook Page

3 thoughts on “Angelo De Nile: “This song came out fairly easy, we simply had an idea of a BIG song and added together all the elements required” (Finnish participant – Interview)

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