Eurovision Eurovision 2021

Eurovision 2021: Pornhub insights about viewing trends

How powerful is Eurovision? A new study done by hints that the annual song competition is so fixating that distinct trends can be seen in the site’s traffic during the hours of the live broadcast.

Traffic levels on the site were down as much as almost 34% during the hours of the Grand Final on May 18th.  Malta, perhaps on the edge of their seat for their first-ever Eurovision win, was the country most disrupted from their normal porn viewing habits. Iceland, a country known for being very unified in its viewing activity of the contest was the second most notable.

Perhaps, more fascinating than the data revealing that viewers ignored the porn site and watched Eurovision across borders was the post-show activity for the winning country Italy.

In Italy, the drop in traffic during the show was notable during the results portion of the broadcast. In addition, the site experienced a post-contest bump of activity as celebrations of all forms were happening in Italy it seems.

The Pornhub statistics offer us an independent view the scope of the viewing audience by country, since these types of traffic dips normally occur in very large scale live events, like the Super Bowl in the U.S.  It would be hard to believe an event had such far reach into the attention of such a large viewership without it being noticeable on Pornhub.  


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