Eurovision Eurovision 2015 Australia

Australia: are Blink TV and SBS calling for song submissions?

If you were thinking about the possibility to have the Australian entry for this one-off participating year, then you’re seemingly to be completely wrong. The broadcaster cooperating with SBS, Blink TV, could have started calling out for songs and singers in order to pick the one representing Australia in Vienna.



Aussies could have now been given the chance to send in their entries, which should compulsory be meeting all EBU’s regulations for participating songs each year at Eurovision.


The final decision will be announced in two-weeks time as announced by Julia Zemiro when the announcement came to light.

Who would you like to see representing Down Under? Are you more on popular worldwide artists or newcomers? Stay tuned to ESC+Plus for more information coming soon about the Australian participation this year in Vienna.

Fuente: Blink Tv

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