Eurovision Eurovision 2018 Portugal

Portugal: RTP reveals dates and details of Festival da Canção 2018

RTP has revealed further details of Festival da Canção 2018. The broadcaster will follow the same selection procedure that leaded Portugal to their first victory at Eurovision. This year, however, they have made a few changes in the selection of candidates.

Festival da Canção 2018 will be made up of three shows, two semi-finals and the final. Both semi-finals will take place on February 18 and 25, while the national final will be held on March 4 in Guimarães’ Pavillao Multiusos. Each semi-final will feature 10 acts from which only 5 will make it through to the final.

As for the selection of candidates, RTP will invite 17 composers that will choose the performers of their original songs. This year, the winner of Eurovision 2017 Salvador Sobral will also invite an additional writer. Moreover, another two composers will be selected by two different methods, the first one will be chosen through the radio programme “Master Class”, a contest for amateur writers, and the second one will be selected by a procedure open for all Portuguese citizens. Both composers will be chosen by professional jury panels.

All interested writers can send their applications by clicking on this link. Whereas, you can find the full set of rules of Festival da Cançao 2018 here:

Fuente: RTP

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