TVP has announced the 10 finalists that will compete to represent Poland at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. The candidates will perform at the final of “Krajowe Eliminacje” set to take place on February 18.
You can find the selected acts below:
- Martin Fitch „Fight for us”
- Kasia Moś „Flashlight”
- Carmell „Faces”
- Agata Nizińska „Reason”
- Rafał Brzozowski „Sky over Europe”
- Isabell Otrębus-Larsson „Voiceless”
- Małgorzata Uściłowska (Lanberry) „Only human”
- Aneta Sablik „Ulalala”
- Paulla „Chcę tam z tobą być”
- Olaf Bressa „You look good”
The winner and Polish representative in Kyiv will be decided by a 50/50 combination of public vote and professional jury panel, made up of Alice Węgorzewska, Maria Sadowska, Robert Janowski, Wlodek Pawlik and Krzesimir Dębski.
Krajowe Eliminacje 2017 will be hosted by Artur Orzech and it will be aired live at 20:30 CET on TVP 1. During the show, several artists have also been invited to perform, such as well-known Polish pop/rock singer Dodaand and Oliwia Wieczorek, who represented the country at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2016.