Opinion Eurovision

One Eurovision Belgium

The Eurovision entry can be a touchy issue regardless of the result since the process to choose it can already be a polemic topic. The internal selection vs. public one debate is perennial. The discussion on what an open selection should look like can be a saga in itself. In Belgium we have the added attribute of two broadcasters taking turns in arranging the Eurovision entry: RTBF, the French-language one, and VRT, for the Dutch-speaking community. The deal seems to have pleased the majority so far as there is little questioning of this status quo.

Atomium - Photo by Superdirk; montage by Gerry Wouters
Atomium – Photo by Superdirk; montage by Gerry Wouters

Nevertheless, there are voices in Belgium calling for a joint bid from the social media. They have been around for quite some time already. There is even a group on Facebook, One Eurovision Belgium, made up mostly of Belgian fans who would love to see RTBF and VRT working together to choose the representative for the country. The combined work should yield the best and raise the chances of a second victory for Belgium. When you look at the country’s recent record with separate bids in the Contest there is room for an outstanding participation with both broadcasters in a common effort.

RTBF logo
RTBF logo
VRT logo
VRT logo

RTBF has selected its entrants internally for its most recent participations. The choices proved to be fruitful with Roberto Bellarosa and Loïc Nottet, as they brought the Eurovision hopes of the Belgians to a level that had not been attained in years. With Loïc Nottet the result was spectacular. The ability for RTBF to choose good artists is certified.

VRT produces its national selection show, Eurosong, with a care and taste. It certainly accomplishes a good show that looks good and elegant on a TV screen. Good artist with solid proposals have competed for the ticket to Eurovision. Laura Tesoro succeeded in pulling the attention of the audience in Belgium, and the rest of Europe rewarded that with a 10th position. Artists selected internally by VRT had a good count of votes. Tom Dice and his guitar are a reminder of that.

VRT and RTBF do appear to be willing to win. The least one must acknowledge is that they are fighting for the respect of the Eurovision audience and the judges by putting forward good candidates and praiseworthy national selections. I see Belgium as a good contender for victory quite soon when you look back at its progression. If these results and scores are achieved with the broadcasters working separately, what could they realize together? Why not share the burden and co-produce an open national selection one year? Or select internally with a joint selection jury? Any method as long as the talent and the means of both broadcasters are combined to show the rest of Europe what Belgium as a country has to offer when it comes to music. And maybe what it has to offer organizing the Eurovision Song Contest.

The motto of the country is Unity makes Stregth. Eendracht maakt macht in Dutch, L’union fait la force in French, Einigkeit macht stark in German (yes, German too is official in parts of Belgium). So VRT and RTBF, come together and give us a memorable entry and soon enough a marvelous show… Looking forward to it!

Have a good day and love live like Sandra Kim!


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