Events Malta

Moira Delia to host Junior Eurovision!

Moira Delia has been chosen by PBS to host the forthcoming Junior Eurovision edition to take place in Malta!

Maltese broadcaster has chosen Moira so as to host the show alone, with no co-hosts. The female hostess, a veteran of the local television scene has most recently been involved in two programmes; “Animal Diaries” on Television Malta and “Ilsien in-Nisa” on ONE Television.

Moira is known to many in the Eurovision community already for her work in hosting the Malta Eurovision Song Contest over several years. In Malta, Moira is a famous television presenter and a producer for local TV station. She is also mother to a teenage son, with whom she enjoys spending quality time

Being a very energetic person, Moira loves sports, and also enjoys watching comedies, spending time with friends and, last but not least, good food! One of her biggest passions is animals, and she is a local animal welfare activist.

Moira is a person that loves life and tries to live her life to the full in the most positive way possible, and we’d like to congratulate her on being chosen to host this year’s show!

Junior Eurovision 2014 will take place on November 15 in the Marsa Shipbuilding (Malta).


Events, Junior Eurovision

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