Interview Eurovision Eurovision 2017 Finland

Alva: “They say me and Krista Siegfrids have the same kind of energy” (Finnish finalist – Interview)

ESC+Plus has talked to Alva, finalist of this year’s Finnish national selection for Eurovision. She will perform the song “Arrows”, composed by Arto Ruotsala, Milos Rosas and Aatu Mällinen, at the final UMK 2017 set to take place on January 28.

ESC+Plus: Hello! First of all, thank you so much for your time and congratulations on having been selected to take part in the Finnish national selection for Eurovision 2017!

Alva: Thank you very much! I´m very thrilled!

ESC+Plus: Can you tell us about you, your musical career and important achievements?

Alva: I am Alva and I am home from the Swedish speaking areas of Finland. I would say I am quite a normal teenager, I would say. When I am not studying or hanging with my friends I take singing lessons, play some piano, do some fitness.

I have always liked singing. Music has always been an interest in my family, so it has come naturally. When my 9-year older sister Linn was practising her vocals in her room, I basically went to my room as a 6 year old and started singing as well. I have performed here and there the last couple of years but the last summer I wrote a song (A Grand Illusion) together with Linn and the radio stations started playing it and people seemed to like it! I would say that´s my greatest achievement this far.

ESC+Plus: What impelled you to take part in “UMK 2017”?

Alva: I have thought about taking part in a competition as a challenge, but was about to wait. But then Arto Ruotsala (cosongwriter and producer) watched my youtube-videos and wrote to me that he had a song that would suit me, and I fell in love with it, and I hope I won´t be the only one.

ESC+Plus: How did you feel when you knew you had qualified for the final? Did you expect it?

Alva: I was thrilled! So happy! I knew it was a good song but of course you can never know until you have the right answer.

ESC+Plus: What would it mean to you to represent Finland?

Alva: It would mean a lot. My dream right now is to be able to work with music and this is a great opportunity to show who I am musically. And of course, since I am in minority as a Swedish speaking Finn, it would be a proud moment to show the world that we exist and that we can!

ESC+Plus: Can you tell us about your song? What is the story behind the lyrics?

Alva: To me it is about uncertainty, to not know where a relationship is going. To try to show ones feelings in a subtle way and to give hints, but not be sure how the person will take it.

ESC+Plus: Why do you think your song has to be selected for Kiev? What are you strengths to reach the top in the competition?

Alva: The song is not a typical pop song, it also has dept. Many young people in my age can hopefully also relate to it. It is beautiful to listen to but can also be played to dance to. My strenght is my song and my compassion. I´m so lucky that I was chosen to sing this song! I can just do my best, however it goes I will be proud.

ESC+Plus: Have you thought about your performance for UMK 2017?

Alva: Yes, I have some ideas and we are still working on it. You will see!

ESC+Plus: Do you usually watch Eurovision? What is your favorite song in the history of the competition?

Alva: I watch it every year! I loved Australias song Sound of Silence from 2016!

ESC+Plus: If you could choose a Eurovision former participant to sing along with, who would it be?

Alva: They say me and Krista Siegfrids have the same kind of energy, so singing with her would be great wouldn´t it! 😉

ESC+Plus: Finally, can you send a message for our readers and Eurovision fans?

Alva: I hope you all get an amazing Eurovision year and that we will hear a lot of new great songs! Take care and be kind to each other! Love from Alva.

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