Eurovision Eurovision 2014 Iceland

Iceland: RUV opens submissions for Söngvakepnni 2014

Icelandic broadcaster RUV just open submissions for the Eurovision 2014 national preselection!

All interested composers and artists can apply for the contest before October 7th by filling a formulary available on the official web site of the broadcaster. RUV has also published a list of rules according with the international competition and an additional formulary (in Icelandic). All documents can be found here.

The winner of the competition will be awarded with 1.000.000 Icelandic Crowns and the right to represent Iceland at Eurovision 2014 to take place in Copenhaguen (Denmark).

Iceland has taken part at Eurovision since 1986 getting the best places in 1999 (Selma – All out of Luck) and 2009 (Yohanna – Is It True?), both came 2nd.


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