The Icelandic national selection for Eurovision 2015 kicks of tonight!
Six songs out twelve will be competing at today’s semi-final:
- Stefanía Svavarsdóttir – Ást eitt augnablik
- Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir – Í kvöld
- Friðrik Dór – Í síðasta skipti
- Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir – Myrkrið hljótt
- Björn og félagar – Piltur og stúlka
- HINEMOA – Þú leitar líka að mér
Just three candidates, chosen by SMS voting, will qualify for the national final set on the 14th of February. The non-qualifiers will have a second chance bidding for the seventh place to be decided by a professional jury. (
The first semi-final of “Söngvakeppnin 2015” will be hosted by Ragnhildur Steinunn Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Dís Emilsdóttir and Salka Sól Eyfeld and it will be broadcasted live from the Reijkiavik’s Háskólabíó.
The show can be watched live at 20.45 CET by clicking this link.
RT @esc_plus: #Iceland – First semi-final of #Söngvakeppnin2015 tonight! #esc2015 #eurovision #BuildingBridges #ESC
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