The participation of Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 is not sure just yet, stated the Icelandic national broadcaster, RÚV. On January 23rd 2024 it was announced that the final decision will be taken by RÚV and the winner of the Icelandic national final, also known as Söngvakeppnin. The reason for this matter is the participation of Israel in the upcoming contest. This situation has been discussed with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).
What is the most current scenario?
The most current scenario is that the Icelandic national final, Söngvakeppnin, will take place and will produce a winner, but it might not be this year’s participant in the actual Eurovision Song Contest. For now Söngvakeppnin can be seen as a general televised national festival, but might not be linked to Eurovision until further notice. Whether the winner of this national festival chooses to go to Eurovision 2024 is uncertain. The final decision of this matter will be made mid-March.
What is the reason for this situation?
Iceland’s national broadcaster, RÚV, was pressured to ask Israel to not participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, to withdraw from Eurovision 2024 themselves or to boycott this year’s contest. The Icelandic Society of Authors and Composers (ISAC) has asked the Icelandic national broadcaster to boycott Eurovision 2024 unless Israel is disqualified. Next to this, nearly 10,000 Icelandic inhabitants (2.5% of Iceland’s population) signed a petition to demand for Israel’s disqualification.
When will the acts of Söngvakeppnin 2024 be made public?
Because the Icelandic national final, Söngvakeppnin, will go ahead as planned, the acts of this national final will be released on January 27th 2024.