Eurovision Eurovision 2019 Hungary

Hungary: Listen to all 30 A Dal 2019 competing songs

MTVA has published all 30 songs that will take part at this year’s A Dal. The 2019 Hungarian national selection kick off on January 19 and it will be made up of three selection rounds, two semifinals and the final on February 23.

30 candidates will compete in A Dal 2019 over six weeks of live shows starting this weekend. As in previous editions, the outcome of the shows will be decided by a mix of an expert panel and the public at home.

You can listen to all 30 competing entries below:

The line-up for the first heat is as follows:

  1. Tímea Antal ft. Gergő Demko – Kedves Világ!
  2. Olivér Berkes – Világítótorony
  3. DENIZ – Ide várnak vissza
  4. Barni Hamar – Wasted
  5. Konyha – Százszor visszajátszott
  6. Nomad – A remény hídjai
  7. Gergő Oláh – Hozzád bújnék
  8. Rozina Pátkai – Frida
  9. Gergő Szekér – Madár, repülj!
  10. László Váray – Someone who lives like this

How much are you looking forward to A Dal? Do you have any favourites?

Fuente: MTVA
Eurovision, National Final

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