Eurovision Eurovision 2018 Hungary

Hungary: A Dal Heat 2 to take place tonight

The 2018 Eurovision Express is now surging forward and the brakes are well and truly off, with the next instalment in Hungary’s selection process among tonight’s highlights. Yes, it’s Heat 2 and A Dal 2018 is cranking up the temperature!

After kicking off in emphatic and energetic style last Saturday, this evening’s slice of action will see ten more acts put under the microscope:

  • AWS: Viszlát nyár
  • Gergely Dánielfy: Azt mondtad
  • Gábor Heincz (‘Biga’): Good vibez
  • Maya ’n’ Peti: Nekem Te
  • Nene: Mese a királyról
  • Odett: Aranyhal
  • Peet Project: Runaround
  • SativuS: Lusta lány
  • Viki Singh: Butterfly house
  • yesyes: I let you run away

The show starts at 20.30 CET and the excellent jury – Károly Frenreisz, Judit Schell, Miklós Both and Misi Mező – will, of course, be back in business. They’ll certainly provide great feedback, advice and support but they still look pretty intimidating to me!

Just like last week, two rounds of voting will decide which six entries proceed to the A Dal 2018 Semi-Finals (on 10th and 17th February) and which four fail to make the cut. Round One will produce five qualifiers – based on a combination of the jury’s scores and viewer votes; the public will be making their voice heard through SMS, mobile app and online voting. Round Two will then see the public decide which of the remaining five entries escapes the trapdoor of catastrophe and scrapes through as the sixth and final qualifier.

The third and final heat takes place next Saturday. I don’t know about you, but I’d happily sign up for a daily dose of A Dal 2018.

For more info (if your Hungarian’s up to it), why not take a look at

You can watch the Second Heat of A Dal 2018 hosted by Kriszta Rátonyi and Freddie on our Multi-Window Live feedback.

Vote In Our Poll:

A Dal 2018 - Heat 2
yesyes - I let you run away
AWS - Viszlát nyár
Viki Singh – Butterfly House
Gergely Dánielfy – Azt mondtad
BIGA - Good Vibez
Nene - Mese a királyról
Odett - Aranyhal
Maya ’n’ Peti - Nekem Te
SativuS - Lusta lány
Peet Project - Runaround
Number of voters: 14

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