Hello, Eurovision fans!
In the next weeks, the annual Eurovision pre-parties will take place in several cities around Europe. ESCplus will go to some of them to interview the artists that will compete at this year’s edition of the TV show.
On April 14th, the 2018 Eurovision in Concert will take place in Amsterdam where will interview the guests following a new method. To make this idea possible, we need your help!
So, if you have any questions you would like to ask any of the ESC participants that will perform in the concert, please, send in them by using the hashtag #ESCquestions on social media or by commenting on this post. Your questions might be answered by one of the participants, don’t miss this chance!
Thanks in advance!
Ok my question for Alekseev is which version of all of those versions of Forever he will perform? and other question I hope you ask him would he be friend with a fan?