Today Dutch newspaper “Algemeen Dagblad” published an article with the title: “Ukraine keeps candidate cities for Eurovision 2023 a secret because of safety reasons”. The newspaper also stated that Ukraine will not announce anything anytime soon because of safety reasons.
No announcements
Ukraine will not announce anything in the upcoming weeks, or even months, when it comes down to possible host cities of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Ukraine, or another host country for that matter. The radio silence will be because of safety reasons. This statement was made by Kirilio Timosjenko, Substitute Chef of the Ukrainian Presidential Bureau, and made public by the Ukrainian press agency Interfax.
Ukraine has started preparations
Last Saturday, June 11th 2022, it became known that Ukraine has officially started with the preparations of the 67th Eurovision Song Contest by forming a dedicated committee. Since Ukraine won the 2022 contest in Turin (Italy) on May 14th 2022 the war-stricken country has been very serious about organizing the 2023 contest on their own soil after the win of Kalush orchestra. At the beginning of June 2022 the Ukrainian Minister of Culture, Oleksandr Tkatsjenko, stated that there was no doubt about Ukraine organizing the contest in their home country.
Ukrainian organizational commitee
The Ukrainian organizational committee of the contest of 2023 works closely together with the Ministries of Defense and Internal Affairs to prepare the upcoming contest. According to Timosjenko safety will be “the most important problem” when it comes down to organizing the contest in Ukraine next year. He also thanked all the European partners for their support. Timosjenko also stated:
“At the moment we do not only defend our country, but the whole civilized and democratic world. We like to thank our forces for the opportunity to make plans for the future.”
Statement by Kirilio Timosjenko, Substitute Chef of the Ukrainian Presidential Bureau
A “Ukrainian” Eurovision Song Contest 2023
In the past couple of weeks a variety of different countries, like the United Kingdom, Iceland, Spain, and the Netherlands, offered to step in and organize a “Ukrainian” Eurovision Song Contest 2023.