This morning, Danish broadcaster DR revealed the names of the people who will decide 50% of the voting at Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2015 on Saturday, namely the jury.
This year, there will be one round of voting as opposed to the previous years. Each of the five Danish regions will have their own jury, who will give out 1-8, 10, and 12 points, and those votes will be combined with those of the tele voters, who will have 290 points in total, which will be given out based on how many percent of the votes, each song will get, e.g. if a song gets 50% of the votes, it will get 145 of the tele voting points.
The jury member for Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2015 are:
- The Capital region:
– Søren Poppe (Chairman) (one part of the duo Rollo & King, ESC 2001), Pelle Peter Jensen (host on the radio station P3) and Anna David (DMGP 2014 participants)
- The Zealand region:
– Tim Schou (Chairman) (former lead singer of A Friend in London, ESC 2011), Maria Montell (singer) and Lars Trillingsgaard (music chief on the radio P3)
- The Midtjylland region:
– Trine Jepsen (Chairman) (ESC 1999), Claus Visbye (booker for the Smukfest festival in Skanderborg) and Jette Torp (singer)
- The Nordjylland region:
– Lotte Feder (Chairman) (ESC 1992), Jan H. Jensen (music responsible for the radiostation ANR) and Henrik Milling (host of the radio show P7 Mix)
- The South Denmark region:
– Jakob Sveistrup (Chairman) (ESC 2005), Trine Gadeberg (DMGP 2000 participant) og Maria Theessink (musicmanager and artistic leader at the Tønder Festival)
Are you happy with the jury, and which song do you hope they will vote for on Saturday?
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