Moldova: Interview with Catarina Sandu | O Melodie Pentru Europa 2020
After a great come back last week, Söngvakeppnin returned tonight to continue the quest to identify the Icelandic representative for Eurovision 2020. The series consists of two semi-finals and a …
After a great come back last week, Söngvakeppnin returns tonight to continue the quest to identify the Icelandic representative for Eurovision 2020. The series consists of two semi-finals and a …
Norway: Interview with Rein Alexander (Melodi Grand Prix finalist) | MGP 2020
Norway: Interview with Akuvi (Melodi Grand Prix finalist) | MGP 2020
Norway: Interview with Didrik & Emil (Melodi Grand Prix finalist) | MGP 2020
Iceland began its search for their Eurovision representative tonight. With the first semi-final of Songvakeppnin 2020, 2 acts advanced to the Grand Final being held in Reykavik on February 29th. …
The show that gave the world Hatari at Eurovision 2019 returns tonight to begin the quest to identify the Icelandic representative for Eurovision 2020. The series will consist of two …
Icelandic public broadcaster Ríkisútvarpið, better known internationally as RÚV, has officially announced the performers and songs that will take part at Söngvakeppnin 2020, national preselection that Iceland uses to select …
The Icelandic public broadcasting organization Ríkisútvarpið, better known internationally by the acronym RÚV, will officially announce the performers and songs that will participate in the next edition of Söngvakeppnin, the …
One of the most talked-about moments from Eurovision 2019 was when the cameras panned to the green room and focused on the Icelandic act, HATARI to find them in pose …
Icelandic broadcater, revealed that the process for determining the successor to HATARI will be unchanged from the previous edition of Söngvakeppnin . Icelandic music fans can once again look forward …