Eurovision Eurovision 2024 Sweden

Sweden 2024: Melodifestivalen’s final line-up is complete!

The fifth heat of Melodifestivalen 2024 and the final qual are over and the results are in!

Tonight’s line-up:

  1. Marcus & Martinus – Unforgettable
    Text & music: Joy Deb, Linnea Deb, Marcus Gunnarsen, Martinus Gunnarsen, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt
  2. Chelsea Muco – Controlla
    Text & music: Anderz Wrethov, Chelsea Muco, Elsa Carmona Oljelund, FERNAND MP, Karl Flyckt, Pa Modou
  3. Jay Smith ‒ Back to My Roots
    Text & music: Jay Smith, Jonas Jurström, Jonathan Keyes, Maria Jane Smith, Victor Thell
  4. Elecktra ‒ Banne maj
    Text & music: Anderz Wrethov, Elin Wrethov, Jonny Werner, Robin Werner
  5. Annika Wickihalder ‒ Light
    Text & music: Annika Wickihalder, Herman Gardarfve, Linnea Gawell, Patrik Jean
  6. Medina ‒ Que Sera
    Text & music: Ali Jammali, Anderz Wrethov, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt, Sami Rekik
  • Marcus & Martinus – Unforgettable
  • Medina ‒ Que Sera
  • Annika Wickihalder ‒ Light
  • Jay Smith ‒ Back to My Roots
  • Chelsea Muco – Controlla
  • Elecktra ‒ Banne maj

Final Qual

From each heat, the songs that finished in the 3rd and 4rth place competed against each other in order to get the last two tickets for the big final! The result was based on a tally of the number of votes in the heats and the number of votes in the extended part of the fifth heat.

The line-up:

  • Annika Wickihalder ‒ Light
  • Jay Smith ‒ Back to My Roots
  • Albin Tingwall – Done Getting Over You
  • SCARLET ‒ Circus X
  • Klaudy ‒ För dig
  • Gunilla Persson ‒ I Won’t Shake
  • Fröken Snusk ‒ Unga & Fria
  • Dear Sara ‒ The silence after you
  • Adam Woods – Supernatural
  • Elisa Lindström – Forever Yours
  • Annika Wickihalder ‒ Light
  • Jay Smith ‒ Back to My Roots

The final

These are the twelve finalists of Melodifestivalen 2024:

1.       When I’m Gone – Maria Sur

2.       Back To My Roots – Jay Smith

3.       Awful Liar – Lisa Ajax

4.       Heroes Are Calling – Smash Into Pieces

5.       Give My Heart A Break – Cazzi Opeia

6.       Light – Annika Wickihalder

7.       Unforgettable – Marcus & Martinus

8.       It’s Not Easy to Write a Love Song – Dotter

9.       Que Sera – Medina

10.   Dragon – LIAMOO

11.   Effortless – Jacqline

12.   Happy That You Found Me – Danny Saucedo

Interesting result facts

• For the first time in Melodifestivalen’s history, two duos took the final places in a heat. The last time that neither of the two entries that went to the final from a heat was performed by a soloist was over ten years ago, in the third heat in 2013, when Ravaillacz and State of Drama took the final places.

• Norwegian Marcus & Martinus is the second completely foreign act to have reached the final of Melodifestivalen more than once, after Ukrainian Maria Sur. Danish Sanne Salomonsen (2005, seventh place in the final), American Swingfly (2011, fifth place in the final, Swedish citizen from 2018), Maria Sur (2023, ninth place in the final), Marcus & Martinus (2023, second place in the final) and Maria Sur (2024) are the four completely foreign acts who have previously gone directly to the final from a heat.

Medina‘s “Que sera” became the first entry with Swedish text in the final in 2024. The entry was also the first entry with Swedish text to go last in the heat since Carola sang “Evighet” in 2006.

• On the songwriter side, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt is once again the year’s most successful songwriter in the final, where he, along with Marcus & Martinus and Medina’ songs, has five entries in the final. No other songwriter throughout history has had more than four. Meanwhile, this is the second-best entry by a songwriter in the record books, just one entry shy of eclipsing his own 2023 record.

• In the past four years, Jimmy “Joker” has been involved in writing 18 entries out of the 48 who have competed in the final during the period, that is, over a third of the final entries. He has competed with 24 entries throughout his Melodifestivalen career and thus only missed the final with 6 of these. Something similar has only been seen from songwriter Åke Gerhard, who won the competition four of the first five years and qualified with three of the final’s four entries in 1960.

• Because Albin Tingwall had to leave the competition, Jimmy “Joker” Thörnfeldt’s record streak ended with eleven consecutive entries to the final in 2022–2024.

We are one week away from finding out who will fly the Swedish flag in Malmö in May!

Fuente: Result facts: Gustav Dahlander
Eurovision, National Final

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