Lindita, GIRL! You betta just SANG. Lindita Halimi’s BOTË is Albanian GOLD. Look, the song isn’t a dance track. It isn’t in English (yet– Dear Lord let the translation not be TRASH). Albania could redeem themselves with this entry. Lindita has the vocal and I love the atmosphere of the track. Does BOTË have what it takes to shine in Kiev?
The Eurovision Song Contest stage will be seeing some strong vocalists thanks to Jamala’s win last year. The trend of “mimicking,” last year’s winner is definitely already starting. I think BOTË is strong. The melody isn’t forgettable (imho) and Lindita’s pipes are sure to shine. We don’t know what other countries are presenting at this point and I do worry that this year might be ballad heavy. If Kiev is going to be ballad heavy, I can see this act struggling.
Lindita is a star. Her vocals show versatility. I am not looking forward to the translation. Last year Albania ruined any chances of making it to the final with the translation. I have my fingers crossed that the translation works but I am not holding my breath. I actually liked Lindita’s “S’të fal.” If she sang that in Kiev I guarantee it’d stand out.
What does Albania need to do to make it to the final in Kiev 2017?
- Give Lindita a new look. Although, I love the jumpsuit it doesn’t work with this song. It’s FIRECE, but not the right fit.
- Make the staging pop. If we can get her to “fly” at the climax of the song we should. The staging shouldn’t be over the top but a simple elevating thing in a harness at the end with the train of her gown dangling would be amazing.
- We need contemporary dancers. We need dancers to act out this song of struggle.
- Get her on the Eurovision pre-party schedule. Lindita Halimi can sing AND she has personality. Let the fans get the chance to know her.
- Be smart with the translation. Look, I am afraid of this translation, but we know it is coming. Consult some native English speakers on the translation.