RUV has just announced the name of the twelve candidates that will compete in the Icelandic national selection for Eurovision. The semi-finals of Söngvakeppnin 2018 will take place on 10 and 17 February, while the final will be held in Laugardalshöll on 3 March.
You can find the semi-finalists and listen to their songs below:
- Aron Hannes – Golddigger / Gold Digger
- Áttan – Hér með þér / Here for You
- Ari Ólafsson – Heim / Our Choice
- Fókus hópurinn – Aldrei gefast upp / Battleline
- Dagur Sigurðarson – Í stormi / Saviour
- Stefanía Svavarsdóttir, Agnes Marinósdóttir & Regína Lilja Magnúsdóttir – Svaka stuð / Heart Attack
- Þórunn Antonía – Ég mun skína / Shine
- Guðmundur Þórarinsson – Litir / Colours
- Þórir Geir Guðmundsson & Gyða Margrét Kristjánsdóttir – Brosa / With You
- Tómas Helgi Wehmeier & Sólborg Guðbrandsdóttir – Ég og þú / Think It Through
- Rakel Pálsdóttir – Óskin mín / My Wish
- Heimilistónar – Kúst og fæjó
As in previous editions, six of them will go through to the final night following a 50/50 jury and televote split. Moreover, an additional finalist might be selected by the professional jury panel.
The entries will be performed in Icelandic in the semifinals, while the candidates have to sing the version of the song the intend for the Eurovision Song Contest in the national final. The winner will be awarded the right to represent Iceland in Lisbon and a cash prize.