Interview Eurovision Eurovision 2014 Ireland

Interview: Can-Linn feat. Kasey Smith (Ireland 2014) speak to ESC+Plus!

Irish representatives Can-Linn featuring Kasey Smith’s manager and mentor Hazel Kaneswaran has spoken with us a week after winning the national final. Check out what she has told us!

Hello guys! First of all thank you so much for giving us this interview as Irish representatives for Eurovision 2014 and congratulations on winning EuroSong 2014!!!

ESC+Plus: What were your first feelings when you were named the winners of EuroSong 2014 and Irish representatives for Denmark?  What does this mean for you?

Hazel Kaneswaran: It was a combination of delight and disbelief really. As musicians, representing your country at the Eurovision Song Contest is about the highest honor you could care to imagine. It really is a dream come true!

E+: How did you decide entering the competition? What impelled you to take part?

Hazel Kaneswaran: RTE (Ireland’s national broadcaster) got in touch with me in relation to putting an act together in order compete in this year’s Eurosong contest. I jumped at the opportunity as I had been looking for a way to get back into the music business properly after taking a career break to rear my kids.

E+: How did you decide creating this collaborative music act? And why did you join Kasey Smith’s voice?

Hazel Kaneswaran: I had an idea in my head about the kind of song that I wanted to do so I put the word out looking for people to collaborate with. Jonas Gladnikoff, Rasmus Palmgren and Patrizia Helander all got in touch with their various ideas. Once we got going, everything just sort of clicked and pretty soon we had the song we wanted.
Kasey sent me on a recording as an audition piece. Once I heard it I knew she was the one to sing the song (Heartbeat). Her voice suits it perfectly.

E+: Can you tell us what your song is about? What’s the story behind the lyrics?

Hazel Kaneswaran: Heartbeat is all about Ireland as a country and its people have suffered through hard times in recent years, but are determined to keep on going until such times have past. It’s a metaphor for the tenacity of the people of Ireland.

E+: Are you going to revamp the song for Eurovision? If yes, what kind of arrangements would you like to listen in the final version?

Hazel Kaneswaran: We probably won’t be changing a whole lot between now and the Eurovision. The people of Ireland voted for our song as it was, so you don’t want to make too many changes to a winning formula. The Copenhagen stage is a lot bigger than the one we performed on at the Irish Eurosong final, so that means we have a lot more space to play around with in terms of the stag show. We’re working on that aspect of things at the moment.


E+: You play traditional Irish music, what do you think about the place of this music in a big show like the Eurovision Song Contest?

Hazel Kaneswaran: I think it’s important that as many nations as possible include something in their Eurovision act that reminds people which country it is that they are representing. If you don’t do that it kind of defeats the purpose of representing a particular nation – it’s your identity.

E+: What kind of instruments do you play during your performance? Can you tell us more about them?

Hazel Kaneswaran: In Can-linn we use traditional Irish instruments to make our music. We have the fiddle which is a bit like a violin and also the bodhrán which is a Celtic style drum which is held on one arm.

E+: What are your plans to prepare your Eurovision experience? What kind of staging would you like in Copenhagen?

Hazel Kaneswaran: I can’t tell you anything, unfortunately, because that is top secret for the time being.

E+: There is already a Heartbeat preview video on Youtube but will you record an official videoclip to introduce your song?

Hazel Kaneswaran: That is something we are considering. The music video for Heartbeat, which was made by Jordan Ballantine and Shane Collier, is great and is doing incredibly well on Youtube, but we may consider making something else for the Eurovision itself.

E+: What can your music contribute to the Eurovision competition? What are your expectations in Denmark?

Hazel Kaneswaran: I think Heartbeat will go down really well across Europe. It’s a catchy tune with good lyrics and I think people will appreciate that. I see no reason why we won’t finish among the top spots.

E+: Have you watched Eurovision before? What are your favorite songs in the competition’s history?

Hazel Kaneswaran: I haven’t missed a Eurovision since I was a child. I must admit to having a massive crush on Johnny Logan when I was younger. ‘Hold Me Now’ is probably my favourite Eurovision song of all time.

E+: Can you send a message for our readers and fans of Eurovision?

Hazel Kaneswaran: Of course! Be sure to send us a message on social media. We’re on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. We try our best to reply to everybody that gets in touch with us.

E+: Thank you very much, good luck and see you in Copenhagen!

Hazel Kaneswaran: Thanks =)

Ireland will perform at the Second Semi-Final on May 8. Can-Linn feat. Kasey Smith will sing Heartbeat:


Fuente: Image - Paul Dillon

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