With the festivities in Tel Aviv know just a few weeks away, ESCplus is looking for suggestions or comments from our readers on what we should cover in Tel Aviv.
In the past, our coverage has included:
- Artist Interviews
- Rehearsal photos and footage
- Fan Reactions
- Press Center live streams
This year with so many things going on in Tel Aviv – we are looking for your ideas and requests. Tel Aviv is going to be a historic gathering of many previous Eurovision winners. We can confirm that the following Eurovision winners have appearances planned:
- Conchita Wurst
- Netta
- Måns Zelmerlöw
- Dana International
- Emmelie de Forest
- Loreen
- Charlotte Perrelli (as Swedish presenter)
With the very elaborate Eurovision village, Eurovision cafe and Euroclub events planned – what are you curious to hear about or who from?
Check out the video and let us know in the comments !