The fourth day of rehearsals has come to an end, and although a lot was presented as “new” or at least “new-ish” by some other media, we have to say, being here in Liverpool, that the second rehearsals went well, but did not show any real additions to acts, so in this regard, all went well. Just to clarify: This is not meant in a bad way, sometimes an act needs some tweaks or the entrant is wearing other clothes, but it is not that props were all of a sudden gone or anything like that; it means that the act is actually really well-prepared beforehand. By the way, today all the 15 contestants of the first Semi-final took the stage again.
By now we have interviewed six contestants in Liverpool, and when being asked how their first rehearsal has went they all talk about how huge the stage is, and also about how professional and kind all the people are that they work with when it comes down to perfecting their staging and overall act. This is great to hear, because I remembered that the entrants of Turin last year had quite a different experience when the sun prop on-stage did not work, and the contestants somehow needed to rework their staging on the spot, which was quite the hassle.
Anyway, we have to face the music, and admit that the contest always comes with the necessary drama, like: Contestants getting disqualified in a national final, song changes when the national public has voted, national songs that have been released before the date that they actually can, and much more, and we are totally here for it. So, in this regard, the actual Eurovision Song Contest 2023 is of to a great start, and let’s hope this momentum can be maintained.
Below you can find 30-second snippets of how the 15 acts of Semi-final 1 are going to look on TV.
Below you can find all the live videos this year’s entrants have made today. Not all 15, but 9 of them.
The Eurovision Song Contest 2023 will take place on May 9th, 11th, and 13th 2023 in Liverpool, United Kingdom. 37 countries will compete for the crown. This year’s Eurovision Song Contest will be a joint venture, since last year’s winner Ukraine cannot organize the contest on home soil because of the ongoing war with Russia.