Tonight France chose its representative in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 through the second edition of Eurovision France – C’est Vous Qui Décidez .
A total of 12 artists competed for the ticket that will take them to Turin next May:
- Joanna – Navigator
- Elliott – La tempête
- SOA – Seoul
- Joan- Madame
- Marius – Les chansons d’amour
- Elia – Telephone
- Hélène in Paris – Paris mon amour
- Alvan & Ahez– Fulenn
- Cyprien Zeni – Ma famille
- Julia – Chut
- Saam – Il est où?
- Pauline Chagne – Nuit Pauline
The winner was decided by a professional jury who had 50% of the weight of the final vote, while the other 50% was in the hands of the French public.
Alvan & Ahez – Fulenn
Performing Fulenn, we have Alvan (a multi-instrumentalist musician specialising in electro) and Ahez (a trio comprised of Marine, Sterenn D. and Sterenn L., 3 Breton singers of traditional heritage, who perform contemporary stories mixed with the myths of their region). The song tackles the Breton legend of a young woman who emancipates herself from societal norms by dancing at night bathed in the light from a bonfire.